Diamond Clarity

Of all the 4 C’s “Clarity” is one of the most easiest characteristic of a diamond. When the diamonds are formed deep inside the earth, due to the pressure certain natural marks are spotted on it known as inclusions and blemishes. The clarity of a diamond is based on its inclusions and blemishes.

Inclusions- The inclusions of a diamond are the inner flaws. Inclusions of a diamond includes un-crystalized carbon, tiny cracks, bubbles and spots which affects the brilliance and quality of the diamond.

Blemishes-The blemishes are the external flaws. Blemishes of a diamond are exterior irregularities accumulated on the surface of a diamond. Both inclusions and blemishes are not easily visible to the naked eye.

According to G.I.A. Clarity scale, diamond clarity is based on grades that starts from Flawless (FL) to Included (I3).

Diamond Education

Flawless ( FL) :
No inclusions or blemishes are found or detected under 10x magnification. These diamond are rare and quite expensive.

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Internally Flawless (IF) :
Inclusions are not detected but blemishes are found under 10x magnification. These diamond are not very rare but expensive.

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Very Very Slightly Included (VVS1/VVS2) :
Inclusions are difficult to be detected, mostly invincible under 10x magnification.

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Very Slightly Included (VS1/VS2) :
Though inclusions and blemishes are visible under 10x magnification, that necessarily does not affect he diamond’s beauty.

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Slightly Included (SI1/SI2) :
Inclusions and blemishes are easily visible under 10x magnification and also to the naked eye.

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Included (I1/I2/I3) :
Inclusions and blemishes are both obviously visible under 10x magnification and also to the naked eye which compromises the quality and brilliance of the diamond.

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